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So some writers are plotters and some are pantsers. If you're not familiar with these odd-sounding distinctions, here's the gist: a plotter plots their novels out - planning them beforehand, while a pantster writes "from the seat of their pants" - discovery writes. Then, of course, there is the semi-confusing middle ground that I've heard people call "plotsters". Ha.
What I am? Well, that depends on where I was at that time in my writing career. . . .
In planning my first novel, I was that middle ground writer. The plotster. I scratched out notes for about five scenes, then when I got to the end of them, I made notes for about five more. But it wasn't by choice. It was just that I was new at the whole novel writing thing, and I had trouble thinking of enough content to make it through the whole story at once. It worked. . . mostly. I made it to the end of the novel, but the plot had some gaps. Some issues with flow.
I'm editing my second novel now. I plotted the whole thing beforehand, with at least a point describing each scene. Some points were very basic (e.g. "romantic scene"), others had a bit more info. When the editing stage finally came around, it was a lot smoother than with my first novel. But there were still things I wish I had thought out from the beginning.
For my third novel, I'll be a super plotter (I made that one up). I'll spend more time on the outline - figuring out what works in a broad sense before I type even one word in the first draft. And I think I'll add Goal/Motivation/Conflict notes to each scene along with it's basic point. Since I'm an obsessive planner and list-maker in my non-writing life, I think this might be ideal for me. Wish me luck!
For any writers out there, which are you? A plotter, a pantster, or somewhere in between?
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