18 Eylül 2012 Salı

Unplugged or Checked Out?

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There was an article in the WSJ titled US Markets Let Traders Unplug. When I saw the headline I figured it would be a puff piece about traders/portfolio managers working half days in the Hamptons via their tablets but actually it was about various professionals unplugging completely for a week or two.

Personally I don't use the word vacation to describe going on a trip for the simple but important reason that clients don't care that you are away and neither do markets. It comes up that clients need money for something like a house purchase that they never told you about and so raising that cash cannot wait for two weeks. If a client has a question or concern about something, from the client's perspective, that cannot wait two weeks either.

There are things in the market place that will not wait for you either. Occasionally something will need to be sold unexpectedly. In the past I've blogged about wanting to sell just about any holding that gets a takeover offer. Typically I won't hold onto to something through the close of the deal as the vast majority of the lift comes right away. Not that other people should do this or not but as I believe it is prudent to sell right away then being disconnected for two week does not work.

This is not to say that someone should not go places, see things and enjoy life experiences that you are able to afford--I am obviously a huge believer in going places but an advisor's lifestyle and income derive from clients, more correctly keeping clients which is achieved by delivering the best service possible and meeting expectations you set for those clients.

Every investment advisor has his own ideas about how to do the job and what providing good service is. If an advisor sets an expectation of possibly being unreachable for two weeks and then is in fact unreachable for two weeks then the fault of frustration falls on the client who bought in to the advisor in the first place. 

Fortunately my wife gets this and puts up with my booting up the laptop and flipping on CNBC at a reasonable volume (insert picture of Milton from Office Space) in the wee hours when we are away and also putting up with my needing a couple of more hours later in the day. This also applied in New Zealand and Rarotonga except without CNBC. Tanzania is on our life list of places to go and while we have not researched it yet, we will need to wait until internet access is ubiquitous.

In addition to valuing our client base as an asset the actual work of following markets and making decisions is a lot of fun. My vocation (managing money) and my hobby (firefighting) both allow for always learning more and are both you get out what you put in endeavors at least I view them that way. When viewed in that light you don't necessarily want to unplug for weeks at a time and there is no doubt it would be a daunting task to catch up.

Zooming out a little, this rant is about finding a career that you love doing. I tend to believe that if you love what you are doing will perform better and enjoy more success in the manner that you define the word.

In honor of the KC Fed confab going on at the Jackson Lake Lodge in Grand Teton National Park; a few pictures this week from our visit there last summer.

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