18 Eylül 2012 Salı

Great Moments in Government Regulation: Massage a Horse in Nebraska, Go to Jail for Up to 20 Years

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The Institute for Justice is reporting that a woman in Nebraska could face up to 20 years in prison for massaging horses without a license.

“That’s the absurd fate Karen Hough could face if she wants to continue her business in Nebraska. A certified instructor, Karen has been massaging horses for years. Massaging a horse is believed to deliver many health benefits, including relieving tension, improving circulation, and alleviating muscle fatigue.”

“Earlier this year, she applied for a license in equine massage but was told only veterinarians can become licensed. A 2007 memo from Nebraska’s Board of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery asserted that “no health professional other than licensed veterinarians and licensed veterinary technicians may perform services/therapies on animals.” This means Karen would need to spend thousands of dollars and seven years of her life just to acquire a government permission slip to do what she’s been doing for years.”

Read more here.

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